The Plug-in helps Weber understand their older customers.
In mid-2019. more than 200 Plug-in influencers participated in one of the largest online surveys The Plug-in has conducted to date. Several focus groups were also held involving demonstrations and taste-testing using the new Weber Pulse electric barbecue, and The Plug-in team facilitated a workshop with Weber Executives and Influencers to help Weber understand what older customers value most, and to identify the most effective ways to communicate with them.
The Plug-in team is always focused on delivering projects that are valued by clients and Influencers alike. Here’s what they have to say…
The team at The Plug-in were great. They helped us through a project to understand what was important to older barbecue users, and how the Weber Pulse was able to address some of the pain points they encounter. We also worked with The Plug-in to better understand how to communicate with these potential customers, and design a hands on barbecue experience that could really engage older customers and show why the Weber Pulse is so special.
We’re taking what we’ve learnt from our work with The Plug-in and building plans for the upcoming summer. We’re excited to share what the Pulse can deliver for older customers that ordinary barbecues just can’t.
– Michael McDonald, Weber Australia and NZ
I liked the project and the fact the Weber Executives were present and receptive to our feedback. I thought it was very well run and organised – that is why I am interested in other Plug-in projects.
I would say to somebody thinking of joining The Plug-in that it is refreshing for organisations to listen to the ‘hidden’ mature group of people who are not stereotype personalities as we have have had many experiences in our previous working lives that can be a contribution to helping people. Plus I have met a couple of ladies who could become friends!
– Carmen, The Plug-in Influencer
Thank you to everyone that participated in this project — your contributions are greatly valued and as a result of insights from The Plug-in Influencers, Weber’s familiar marketing images may start to include older customers in the future.
For further information contact us on 08 8224 5526 or email