The Plug-in worked with COTA Australia as part of a national project seeking feedback from older Australians about recommendations to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (the Commission) stated from the beginning that they wanted to hear from people directly affected by the work of the Commission, and particularly the consumers of aged care services and their families and carers.

COTA Australia put consumer views to the Commission, by giving evidence at hearings, being involved in workshops, and making submissions, which resulted in substantial changes being made to the original model as a result.

The Plug-in was appointed by COTA Australia to recruit 15 participants to take part in one of three online workshops which were conducted via Zoom. Each workshop focused on one of three main themes for recommendation:

  1. Design of the aged care system
  2. Funding and Finance
  3. Aged Care Workforce

The participants were aged 50 years and older, lived in a range of metropolitan and regional areas in South Australia, and represented a diversity of gender, age and socio-economic levels.

The Plug-in was responsible for all recruitment and associated communications. COTA Australia facilitated the Zoom workshops.

We thank everyone who so kindly participated in this important project as it ensures the voices of older people continue to be heard as the final recommendations are developed for the Royal Commission.

Participation in this project was voluntary. Personal information is not used or shared without express consent — you can read more about our privacy policy on our website.

For further information please contact The Plug-in on (08) 8224 5526 or email